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Nuno Albertino Varela Tavares

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
There is a lot of similarities between him and Adama Traore
Couple of things I find interesting there... One, Nuno loved Traore as an impact player. I think Tavares' athleticism means he'll get plenty of game time from Nuno one way or another before the season's end.

Two I can't stand Traore as a player - he's a complete waste of all the attributes he has. And yet when I watch Tavares I want him to do really well despite knowing that nine times out of ten he doesn't. I worry that this means I'll like Traore when/if he ever ends up in the Garibaldi, which probably makes me mental.


oopsy daisy!
LTLF Minion
Look at how much Almiron did yesterday, bugger all. I thought we kept them out defensively. Nuno was more of a threat to them than Trippier was to us, apart from at set pieces.

Tavares made a lovely run through early on and had the sense to look up and play MGW in for what should have been the opening goal. That's what he needs to do more often.

Some are suggesting that both his wild shots costs us real chances: the first was from over 20 yards out with four or five Mags between him and the goal. There was no way his shot cosy us a magnificent chance, though he would have been better helping us build an attack rather than wasting it. The second chance: he was right to shoot but just needs to go hard and low instead of head up and smash it.

His dynamism will help him keep a place ahead of Toffolo, who is just steady. Aina might take his place though, 'cos he can be equally as swift as we saw against Man U and Newcastle away.
I agree, apart from the three goals they scored we kept them out defensively.

Tavares has something, but is so frustrating with his decision making.

Stocky Red

First Team Squad
I thought he was good yesterday as well. I'm also struggling to remember a gaol conceded that was down to him specifically. Could be wrong

Going forward we're gong to need to take risks, wins are going to be precious and we might as well lose as draw if the alternative is not trying. I suspect he will be a regular - for any defensive screw ups, he consistently gets us going forward.


Jack Armstrong
He frustrates the f*** out of me. There was moments against Newcastle where you think to yourself, what a f***ing baller then the next moment, what a f***ing bellend. If he could sort that out, he'd have some career.


First Team Squad
I like him as a player but he gets a rush of blood to the head whenever he is in the final third. His shooting needs alot of work and he needs to learn to pass/pull back to a player in a better position. Couple of times in the Newcastle game I was tearing my hair out as rather than the obvious pass he took a shot. He’s still young so has time to learn.
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Worsley Red

First Team Squad
Starting to warm to him to be honest. His pace is explosive and he makes some really dangerous, direct runs inside that leave space for CHO.

Still does some mental things, mind.

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He’ll always do mental things. But I’m now thinking the upside is greater. And great as Toff has been, this guy has extra gears.

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Viv Anderson
Offers plenty of threat going forward. He started to make mistakes towards the end. Thought he was better against Newcastle.


One less gobshite...
His power and pace is why he's in front of the more steady and reliable Toffolo.

How does he fare against Aina?

Alf-engelos Mindminackers

The Artiste formally known as "Wanksy"
We can get away with his negatives against off-form teams on the down like West Ham.

But I still worry about him playing against better sides who can exploit us better.


Super Koopa
He hit the lower tier with one today: progress!

Another good game for him against a tricky customer too. Good.

I don't mind a shot every now and then but he shoots when there's like 2 or 3 players completely open to the right of him.

He's been decent, got the physical attributes and like a few others, is a work in progress in terms of decision making etc. Had a very good game today.


Jack Armstrong
I'm still not sold. Thought he was great going forward in the first half but those two cross field balls in the second half from the edge of his own penalty area would have been punished against the better sides in this league.

He's very raw and he feels behind the curve development wise when you consider that he is 24 and had played the best part of 80 odd games for Benfica, Arsenal and Marseille before coming to us. Until he sorts his decision making out he'll never live up to his undoubted potential.

Captain Sinister

Senior doom Monger
I'm still not sold. Thought he was great going forward in the first half but those two cross field balls in the second half from the edge of his own penalty area would have been punished against the better sides in this league.

He's very raw and he feels behind the curve development wise when you consider that he is 24 and had played the best part of 80 odd games for Benfica, Arsenal and Marseille before coming to us. Until he sorts his decision making out he'll never live up to his undoubted potential.
He is improving with more game time, but the improvement is from a low base. He and CHO seem to be building a good partnership going forward. We will see if he is getting better as a defender next Weekend at Villa.

Larry Lansbury

Viv Anderson
Think the lapses in concentration and decision making are a pay off for his pace, running and power. It may cost us a few goals down the line but him running beyond CHO and taking defenders with him is being to really beginning to make CHO thrive as gives him more space. I think Toffolo still has a part to play, particularly against higher quality teams or when holding onto a lead due to his reliability.


GAFF LAD. "Open your knees and feel the breeze"
Yer gotta give credit where credit's due, and I think he's beginning to bring out the best in CHO.


Stuart Pearce
Yer gotta give credit where credit's due, and I think he's beginning to bring out the best in CHO.
It's one of those scenarios where the output is greater than the sum of it's parts. You could see the potential of the partnership when he came on against Blackpool at home, Nuno obviously saw enough to decide there was something to build on
Have to say I've changed with view of him. When I first saw him I thought he had his boots on the wrong feet, but he's improved a lot since then.

I still think he's far from the finished article, and I'm not even sure we should buy him if we stay up, but he's been much better.

His energy, pace, and power are always a threat and he carries us up the pitch effortlessly, creating more room for CHO. When he makes an extra man through the middle and runs at the opposition it creates panic as no-one is marking him. We've done it several times now so I'm sure it's a tactic.

If he can just improve his final ball a little he'll be a real asset and may even score a few valuable goals before the season is done. Trouble is, he likely still has a mistake in him when defending, but at the moment I think it balances out well - the good outweighs the bad.


John Robertson
I think, in essence, he's a poor man's Kyle Walker. What makes Pep a great manager is his ability to shape a player to play to their strengths. I think he has done that in spades with Walker. Tavares mental game has to improve. He has to learn to be calm far more often than he is, and pick his spots better to use his great athleticism to greatest effect. It's on Nuno to get that out of him.
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