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The World Famous City Ground - Home of the PROPER WORLD‘S OLDEST LEAGUE CLUB

Future of the WFCG? What‘s your preference?

  • Total voters

Quntib Hollox

Jack Armstrong
I’d argue that Leicester and Derby have equally passionate fans as Forest.
I’d also forward the point of view that the City Ground is woven into the fabric of Nottingham
Forest and many fans would not continue to support the club if it moved to an out of
town location.
Norm Toton is only 6 miles outside Nottingham. We all love the WFCG but I don’t get why people are getting their knickers in a twist. We are a long way from moving anywhere. Let’s at least wait and see what options/ proposals are on the table. As for those who won’t step foot inside another Forest ground a few miles away no matter what then they’re not Forest supporters but just folk who like a day out in West Bridgford.
I don’t particularly like the idea of Toton but until we know the whole picture I’ll reserve judgement. More importantly the club needs to grow if possible and there’s 1000’s with no hope of getting in and how will future fans get a chance to see our team play.


Misses the champ
The bit I'd forgotten to mock from DT's original article is the comparison to what City have done. It's just delusional to think we're anything like City, they're owned by a city state and cheated their way to the top before FFP came in as strongly as it is now. Just strikes me as ego gone beyond the pale.


Martel Maxwell Enjoyer
Doubt anything will happen anyway.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Norm Toton is only 6 miles outside Nottingham. We all love the WFCG but I don’t get why people are getting their knickers in a twist. We are a long way from moving anywhere. Let’s at least wait and see what options/ proposals are on the table. As for those who won’t step foot inside another Forest ground a few miles away no matter what then they’re not Forest supporters but just folk who like a day out in West Bridgford.
I don’t particularly like the idea of Toton but until we know the whole picture I’ll reserve judgement. More importantly the club needs to grow if possible and there’s 1000’s with no hope of getting in and how will future fans get a chance to see our team play.

You'll get absolutely torn to pieces for this, QH.

The entitled fans . . . the Wilford Willies, the Colwick Pin Dicks, the West Bridgford Wide Boys, the Gamston Gammons, et all, are about to fall upon you like a plague of locusts and devour you! They have an entitled claim to being 'more Forest' than you because of their proximity to the ground whilst showing a strange amount of opprobrium for a tiny place between Beeston and Long Eaton (yet full of Forest fans and, actually, in Nottinghamshire) called Toton; a place where snobs from Chilwell say they're from when they're trying to pretend they're posh.

Nobody wants to leave the City Ground, that is a given, but I fear you're a marked man/woman/they/beast now because - I believe - you're a Long Eatoner. A shame, one of this forums favourite Sons is one of those yet I'm led to believe he's had enough and is giving the place a wide berth nowadays. This very thread may well sum up exactly why.


Jack Armstrong
Norm Toton is only 6 miles outside Nottingham. We all love the WFCG but I don’t get why people are getting their knickers in a twist. We are a long way from moving anywhere. Let’s at least wait and see what options/ proposals are on the table. As for those who won’t step foot inside another Forest ground a few miles away no matter what then they’re not Forest supporters but just folk who like a day out in West Bridgford.
I don’t particularly like the idea of Toton but until we know the whole picture I’ll reserve judgement. More importantly the club needs to grow if possible and there’s 1000’s with no hope of getting in and how will future fans get a chance to see our team play.
You can't understand why some fans might feel that strongly about ripping a tree out of the ground that it's grown in for 125 years and plonking it elsewhere?
You can't understand why some fans might feel that strongly about disassociating with all the memories they've made inside those four stands since they first walked through the turnstiles?
You can't understand why some fans might not want to trade arguably one of the best locations for a football stadium in world football to move to the middle of f***ing Toton?
You can't understand why some fans might not want to whore out the history and legacy of the football club, on the fake promise that Forest can be competing for trophies?
You can't understand why some fans might find it really grubby that the Chairman and Face of this little escapade also happens to be the CEO of the firm that has the contract to develop the City Ground as well as having the nerve to call himself a Forest fan?
You can't understand why some fans might feel pissed off that season tickets were capped and thus the need for memberships was introduced, in preparation for the expansion of the CURRENT stadium, which have been the plans for five years?

The club has gone from a forgotten Championship club to the Premierleague in the space of a year. It's been in cup quarter finals and semi-finals. In the past three seasons, we've beaten Liverpool, Manchester United, Newcastle, Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs in competitive matches. We've had Keylor Navas as a goal keeper. We've got African Champions and World Cup Winners in our squad.

How much progress does Marinakis want? Maybe if he wasn't spunking money on the likes of Origi, Sangare, Shelvey and Dennis then we would have more money available to recruit differently. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever we need to sell off our identity and move the stadium to compete.

I don't know if my knickers are in a twist mate, but since the club more and more wants to treat me and thousands of other people as dispensable customers, rather than loyal supporters, I'm just behaving like one. Moving is a non-negotiable for me. It's up there with changing the kit colour or the badge.

I don't believe I'm any more of a supporter than any one else, but there are certain cornerstones that make a club special and the WFCG is one of them.

Quntib Hollox

Jack Armstrong
You'll get absolutely torn to pieces for this, QH.

The entitled fans . . . the Wilford Willies, the Colwick Pin Dicks, the West Bridgford Wide Boys, the Gamston Gammons, et all, are about to fall upon you like a plague of locusts and devour you! They have an entitled claim to being 'more Forest' than you because of their proximity to the ground whilst showing a strange amount of opprobrium for a tiny place between Beeston and Long Eaton (yet full of Forest fans and, actually, in Nottinghamshire) called Toton; a place where snobs from Chilwell say they're from when they're trying to pretend they're posh.

Nobody wants to leave the City Ground, that is a given, but I fear you're a marked man/woman/they/beast now because - I believe - you're a Long Eatoner. A shame, one of this forums favourite Sons is one of those yet I'm led to believe he's had enough and is giving the place a wide berth nowadays. This very thread may well sum up exactly why.
I’m ready for them 😂😂
I don’t live anywhere near Long Eaton (Nuthall actually ). I work round the corner from the WFCG and love the place but I only care about Forest. THATS IT.
We the supporters make this club what it is not the ground or location and people need to remember that.
I just want Forest to be the best it can be. If that’s staying where we are fantastic. If not then I’m open to a move.


Geoff Thomas
I’m actually very pleased the council have fired back. Neither they nor the club are trustworthy whatsoever but them going public shines a light on the club’s dishonesty which some people need to hear.

It definitely seems that the club want a new stadium but know they have to find a scapegoat to try and squeeze it past the fans. What they don’t seem to recognise though is that we aren’t that stupid.

New stadiums are the easy cop out for ownership. For all that we may dislike Liverpool Fenway Sports Group are the only ownership I’ve seen consistently commit to their stadia no matter what. The easy option was to bin off Fenway Park. The easy option was to bin off Anfield. But they see what history and fan desires mean to a sports club and took financial, commercial and capacity hits to honour that and remain at their spiritual homes in creative ways.

Our ownership seem to be revealing that, all along, they were looking for the easy fix at the cost of everything we stand for and makes us special. That just makes me seethingly angry, even more so because the lifelong fan chairman with a conflict of interest is at the heart of it and he should know better.

West Ham will never be the same because they turned their back on Upton Park and I am sure that, with hindsight, many connected would love to turn back the clock and make a different decision. That should be a latent warning to the management of Nottingham Forest but they clearly aren’t listening, to history or to the fans.
I'd take a move to a soulless bowl if it gave us the financial leg up it gave west ham.

Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk
I’m ready for them 😂😂
I don’t live anywhere near Long Eaton (Nuthall actually ). I work round the corner from the WFCG and love the place but I only care about Forest. THATS IT.
We the supporters make this club what it is not the ground or location and people need to remember that.
I just want Forest to be the best it can be. If that’s staying where we are fantastic. If not then I’m open to a move.

Good lad.

Clearly a masochist too . . . anyone who posts like that AND willfully goes for a drink in the Bass House must be so. Please give my best regards to the owd bogger when you next see him.

Quntib Hollox

Jack Armstrong
You can't understand why some fans might feel that strongly about ripping a tree out of the ground that it's grown in for 125 years and plonking it elsewhere?
You can't understand why some fans might feel that strongly about disassociating with all the memories they've made inside those four stands since they first walked through the turnstiles?
You can't understand why some fans might not want to trade arguably one of the best locations for a football stadium in world football to move to the middle of f***ing Toton?
You can't understand why some fans might not want to whore out the history and legacy of the football club, on the fake promise that Forest can be competing for trophies?
You can't understand why some fans might find it really grubby that the Chairman and Face of this little escapade also happens to be the CEO of the firm that has the contract to develop the City Ground as well as having the nerve to call himself a Forest fan?
You can't understand why some fans might feel pissed off that season tickets were capped and thus the need for memberships was introduced, in preparation for the expansion of the CURRENT stadium, which have been the plans for five years?

The club has gone from a forgotten Championship club to the Premierleague in the space of a year. It's been in cup quarter finals and semi-finals. In the past three seasons, we've beaten Liverpool, Manchester United, Newcastle, Chelsea, Arsenal and Spurs in competitive matches. We've had Keylor Navas as a goal keeper. We've got African Champions and World Cup Winners in our squad.

How much progress does Marinakis want? Maybe if he wasn't spunking money on the likes of Origi, Sangare, Shelvey and Dennis then we would have more money available to recruit differently. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever we need to sell off our identity and move the stadium to compete.

I don't know if my knickers are in a twist mate, but since the club more and more wants to treat me and thousands of other people as dispensable customers, rather than loyal supporters, I'm just behaving like one. Moving is a non-negotiable for me. It's up there with changing the kit colour or the badge.

I don't believe I'm any more of a supporter than any one else, but there are certain cornerstones that make a club special and the WFCG is one of them.
The owner also spunked money on MGW, Murillo,Awoniyi ,Wood, Aina,CHO among others that will probably keep us in this league for another year. He’s not perfect but he shares all our ambitions for our club and we haven’t had a better one in my lifetime in my opinion.


Misses the champ
I’m ready for them 😂😂
I don’t live anywhere near Long Eaton (Nuthall actually ). I work round the corner from the WFCG and love the place but I only care about Forest. THATS IT.
We the supporters make this club what it is not the ground or location and people need to remember that.
I just want Forest to be the best it can be. If that’s staying where we are fantastic. If not then I’m open to a move.
Well the supporters don't want to move so do you want a ground full of plastics and random international tourists?


Steve Chettle
You'll get absolutely torn to pieces for this, QH.

The entitled fans . . . the Wilford Willies, the Colwick Pin Dicks, the West Bridgford Wide Boys, the Gamston Gammons, et all, are about to fall upon you like a plague of locusts and devour you! They have an entitled claim to being 'more Forest' than you because of their proximity to the ground whilst showing a strange amount of opprobrium for a tiny place between Beeston and Long Eaton (yet full of Forest fans and, actually, in Nottinghamshire) called Toton; a place where snobs from Chilwell say they're from when they're trying to pretend they're posh.

Nobody wants to leave the City Ground, that is a given, but I fear you're a marked man/woman/they/beast now because - I believe - you're a Long Eatoner. A shame, one of this forums favourite Sons is one of those yet I'm led to believe he's had enough and is giving the place a wide berth nowadays. This very thread may well sum up exactly why.
Being from Colwick, I feel like I got the shitty end of the stick with your place based names.


Viv Anderson
I would be more likely to get a ST at Notts than I would to go to a game in Toton to watch derbyingham Forest.

If ever announced it will be my relationship with the club done, no 2 ways about it
I know what you mean, but surely you cant turn your allegiances on and off like a tap? Part of the experience of being a Forest fan is the feeling of coming home, when you see the pitch and stands for the first time, at the top of the stairs, the buzz in the pubs/bars beforehand, the walk along the Trent etc, but I’d still be a Forest fan even if we moved and I can’t imagine ever knocking that on the head. FTID.
Last edited:


Bin VAR!
We miss Rocka… when life comes on top, you could always know you could come on here and he’d lighten the load. Never met the bloke, but feel like I know him, somehow. Give him my regards and see if you can convince the owd bogger to get back on here and not let the bastards get him down🌳🏆🏆🍻
I’d second that - never met him but miss him on here. Place is better with Rocka and Bonf around.


John Robertson
Norm Toton is only 6 miles outside Nottingham. We all love the WFCG but I don’t get why people are getting their knickers in a twist. We are a long way from moving anywhere. Let’s at least wait and see what options/ proposals are on the table. As for those who won’t step foot inside another Forest ground a few miles away no matter what then they’re not Forest supporters but just folk who like a day out in West Bridgford.
I don’t particularly like the idea of Toton but until we know the whole picture I’ll reserve judgement. More importantly the club needs to grow if possible and there’s 1000’s with no hope of getting in and how will future fans get a chance to see our team play.
To be fair,Mark-I didn’t say I wouldn’t watch Forest at Toton (although any such move would
take years so I’d probably be too old to go by then or pushing up the daisies).As I posted
yesterday,I’ve got zero confidence the club and the various councils could deliver on an
infrastructure project that would cost millions and millions of pounds to complete.
As much as I admire the ambition of EM,he’s only a custodian of a famous old club and will
invariably move on at some point-leaving the supporters as the only constant.
I think most fans are realistic as to the general position of the club in the football world and
want to see an improved City Ground (even if we can’t achieve the magical 50,000 capacity
that some see as utopia).
I suggest EM and the board get on with delivering what the supporters really want and stop
hiding behind various reasons why it can’t be done (councils,boat club etc).

Col Steve Austin

Viv Anderson
I'd be disappointed if they move as the current site by the Trent is iconic. IMO the much better option is to redevelop the current site with a new stadium etc.

Having said that I think this is brinkmanship to do with buying the freehold. It's a good time to try as the council obviously needs money, so it'll just be a way of getting the council's price expectations down.

sammy the snake

Jack Armstrong
to move to a purpose built 50k stadium that needs to be used as a event stadium to have any chance in paying for just the f***ing interest payments alone on a 700 million dome…. In a provincial city/ outskirts… it’s bollox. Spurs etc will get NFL etc… but maybe I’m not thinking correctly here, who is going to come to Nottingham/Toton and be happy with not venturing into the city?

All for 10k extra seats… it’s a laughable financial decision and one that will haunt the club for decades. Get the WFCG to 40k job done.

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
to move to a purpose built 50k stadium that needs to be used as a event stadium to have any chance in paying for just the f***ing interest payments alone on a 700 million dome…. In a provincial city/ outskirts… it’s bollox. Spurs etc will get NFL etc… but maybe I’m not thinking correctly here, who is going to come to Nottingham/Toton and be happy with not venturing into the city?

All for 10k extra seats… it’s a laughable financial decision and one that will haunt the club for decades. Get the WFCG to 40k job done.
While it's not something I want to happen I think it's more than 10k seats - it's about having all of the club's infrastructure on the one site, ala Man City, who if I have it right have also added that big coop thing so they have an indoor and outdoor venue available for events.

It's one of those horrible but quite probably needed of you want to compete at the very highest level things, which rightly or wrongly is clearly what Marinakis is all about. How realistic that is depends on how committed you are I suppose.

I'd speculate the big man has had his head turned while trying to sort the city ground - I think the city ground renovation was a priority once but given the ceiling of the sight (and the academy one I think they've had some issues with?) he's now moved on to the (Toton or somewhere else) megabowl.

Also, I'm not sure Olly Murs fans give that much of a f*** about whether his gig is in the city centre or somewhere they can easily reach/park.
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