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Season Cards 2024/2025


First Team Squad
I don't understand this comment about being cast aside!
If you have been a SC holder for 25 years - that seat is yours until you don't want it anymore.
How is that being cast aside?
I was referring to a suggestion made by Kieran Maguire that clubs might eventually get rid of season tickets and have a free for all for anybody willing to pay £60 a match.


Viv Anderson
I was referring to a suggestion made by Kieran Maguire that clubs might eventually get rid of season tickets and have a free for all for anybody willing to pay £60 a match.
That would be a bad business decision, IMO. They count on that recurring revenue whereas a free for all injects risk, however large or small. Getting a handle/control of the after market is what everyone is truly after. The secondary sale is where they lose potential revenue.


Bin VAR!
Sure getting rid of season cards was another idea floated by the red scousers! FSG are full of good ideas!


Socialismo O Muerte!
LTLF Minion
There will undoubtedly be some current ST holders, especially those with kids, who’ve found themselves priced-out of retaining their season-ticket, with the recent price hikes and the removal of some tiers of membership for youngsters.

The massive increase in the cost of living in recent years won’t have helped either.


Rice 13
I used to be a fan, I am still a fan and I will continue to be a fan!
What is all of this melodrama?
If you are a season card holder, you can remain a season card holder - no one is going to take it off you.
You will only stop being a season card holder, when you choose not to renew - which is your choice

Because we used to feel part of something at the club, but now that element is being pushed further and further away from us.

Its like saying Wetherspoons is as good as the little café you have frequented for years and know the staff and customers etc and fell welcome, sure Spoons also offers breakfast but its completely different experience from the little cafe that makes you feel welcome ever time you go in.


just happy to be here
OK - Flaggers' Sensible Hat on for 5 minutes


Please find information related to the Season Card relocation window below, as well as confirmation of the areas that will be converted to safe standing.

For the 2024/25 season, Upper Bridgford Stand, Blocks U1 and U2 (all seats, all rows), Lower Bridgford Stand, Blocks Y2, Z1 and Z2 (all seats on rows N-Z,) and P Block (seats 230-243 on all rows) will be converted to safe standing areas. Work on the P Block seats may not be completed in time for the start of the season. If this is the case, works will be completed within the first three matches.

For any Season Card holders affected by the introduction of safe standing at the City Ground wishing to relocate, or anyone who had to relocate out of Block D4, the Season Card relocation window is open from 10am Tuesday 28th May until Tuesday 4th June at 5pm.

For all other Season Card holders, the Season Card relocation window is open from 10am Wednesday 29th May until Tuesday 4th June at 5pm.

If you would like to move to a different area, you can do so in-person at the Nottingham Forest Ticket Office or by calling 0115 9824 388.

If you need to relocate due to accessibility reasons, please contact accessibility@nottinghamforest.co.uk for assistance.
So the relocation window has now passed.

I wonder when/if any season card offers will go out to the waiting list?


May not be the best moderator on LTLF, but he's...
LTLF Minion
So the relocation window has now passed.

I wonder when/if any season card offers will go out to the waiting list?
They will make more money by offering the un-renewed seats as match-by-match sales...will attract more tourists that way..

I expect that none of the un-renewed season tickets will be offered as season tickets for that reason.


May not be the best moderator on LTLF, but he's...
LTLF Minion
The waiting list didn't guarantee anyone anything (other than the club guaranteeing to fleece a load of optimistic people for a tenner each)


Viv Anderson
I was referring to a suggestion made by Kieran Maguire that clubs might eventually get rid of season tickets and have a free for all for anybody willing to pay £60 a match.
That will never happen.
What you will find is that as the capacity of the WFCG grows, or worst case scenario a new stadium - the existing SC's will always be honored, but say we go from 30k to 40k - only 50% of those additional seats will be available as SC's.

Quntib Hollox

Jack Armstrong
They will make more money by offering the un-renewed seats as match-by-match sales...will attract more tourists that way..

I expect that none of the un-renewed season tickets will be offered as season tickets for that reason.
Didn’t the club issue a statement saying they would reissue to those on the waiting list


Viv Anderson
Because we used to feel part of something at the club, but now that element is being pushed further and further away from us.

Its like saying Wetherspoons is as good as the little café you have frequented for years and know the staff and customers etc and fell welcome, sure Spoons also offers breakfast but its completely different experience from the little cafe that makes you feel welcome ever time you go in.
I disagree - it is what you want it to be.
I have been going to the WFCG since 1967 - the match day experience is still as enjoyable today as it was as far back as I can remember.


May not be the best moderator on LTLF, but he's...
LTLF Minion
Didn’t the club issue a statement saying they would reissue to those on the waiting list
If they did, I didn't see it (not saying they didn't,....)

YellowBelly Red

Viv Anderson
I used to be a fan, I am still a fan and I will continue to be a fan!
What is all of this melodrama?
If you are a season card holder, you can remain a season card holder - no one is going to take it off you.
You will only stop being a season card holder, when you choose not to renew - which is your choice
Yes, that's all very true but as the seasons go by, I feel less of a fan now.

55% increase in 2 seasons on my ST, yet the facilities have got worse.

Away loyalty points scrapped overnight, so now I now have to pay to join a fortnightly scramble for tickets.

Constant email bombardment from the marketing department.

Little or no consultation on progression of the club, just rumours leaked to the press.

Its not hard to see why I feel like less of a fan now.


First Team Squad
That would be a bad business decision, IMO. They count on that recurring revenue whereas a free for all injects risk, however large or small. Getting a handle/control of the after market is what everyone is truly after. The secondary sale is where they lose potential revenue.
that's what I am clinging on to. With season tickets you are paying for a good season or a bad season. It's guaranteed income for the Club, and they can then commit to sign the players they want.


First Team Squad
That will never happen.
What you will find is that as the capacity of the WFCG grows, or worst case scenario a new stadium - the existing SC's will always be honored, but say we go from 30k to 40k - only 50% of those additional seats will be available as SC's.
Well, they got to always ensure there will be matchday sales for the more casual supporters.


Rice 13
I disagree - it is what you want it to be.
I have been going to the WFCG since 1967 - the match day experience is still as enjoyable today as it was as far back as I can remember.
Surely you want to feel part of something for more than 90 minutes on 38 days of the year?

Like being able to speak with pride about how we feel part of something.
What the clubs does away from match days, like family days etc.
How we are going about things the right way as a club to improve things.

Joe Baker's Dog

Grenville Morris
Clubs like ours will always have a good % of the ground capacity for season holders. Its guaranteed income before the season starts & if we have a crap season - it's been known - you can't ask for your money back. Besides which having the same people around where our seat is engenders a spirit of togetherness. I believe it's one of the reasons why the City Ground has such a good atmosphere unlike Clubs who have lots of tourists. I've been to the 2 away games at Chelsea since we were promoted & each time was stuck by how many different languages I heard & how many of those half & half scarves were worn (I'll never understand why). Yes it's cash but the atmosphere suffers.


Grenville Morris
Seems to me that a good percentage of our away following these days could be classed as ‘tourists’. I’ve been sadly disappointed at a number of away grounds by the behaviour of a number of so called Forest ‘consumers’ - reluctant to call them genuine loyal fans.


Rice 13
Which is exactly why when I am not at a Forest match I go and watch Carlton Town play, a proper grass roots club where you feel part of something. Having a pint with the players in the bar, away days where you get the same coach as the players and see the new players being initiated by singing a song over the tannoy. Hell the players appreciate some of the work the fans do when needed on the pitch when times have been difficult when it was getting waterlogged by them putting money behind the bar for them to have a drink on them


Viv Anderson
Surely you want to feel part of something for more than 90 minutes on 38 days of the year?

Like being able to speak with pride about how we feel part of something.
What the clubs does away from match days, like family days etc.
How we are going about things the right way as a club to improve things.
I do feel part of something special.
I love my club - I love everything about them - I have been lucky enough to support them through the good times and the not so good times.
Everywhere you go in the world - people know the name of Nottingham Forest. People have a genuine like for us around the the world.
I have a place in Spain, one of the local bars is run by a Nottingham couple - they have a Forest supporters club - which is growing - the bar is full for every Forest match. This isn't unique - we have supporters all over the place.
We have been through some difficult times, yet we are now coming out the other side, the future is exciting - we are building a club for future generations - the owners are laying down the foundations for something special.
Yet all people want to do is moan - Social media is good - but it has a lot to answer for as well.
There is talk about building a new multi-sport complex - which is all inclusive to all sports - A Forest social club - but that is no good either because its potentially in the wrong place!
Go back 5 years - where were we then? Sometimes people just don't appreciate what they have got.


Rice 13
So you are happy that we are ran by people who lie to us, who don't listen to us and use external media channels to pass us news about what they might do in the future rather than engaging with us directly.

Do you seriously think Toton is the answer, you do realise we are never going to get a seat at the top table in this division don't you? Look what happened as soon as Leicester wo the league, those that do sit there were like vultures ripping that team apart to stop them doing it again.


Viv Anderson
So you are happy that we are ran by people who lie to us, who don't listen to us and use external media channels to pass us news about what they might do in the future rather than engaging with us directly.

Do you seriously think Toton is the answer, you do realise we are never going to get a seat at the top table in this division don't you? Look what happened as soon as Leicester wo the league, those that do sit there were like vultures ripping that team apart to stop them doing it again.
It was always so - things have never been any different either at Forest or at any other club - you are being very naive to think this was the case.

I didn’t say Toton was the answer - just using the all inclusive sports complex or Forest social club to show that the club are trying to bring the whole community together.

I never mentioned Forest being at the top table - frankly I don’t care - I am simply enjoying watching EPL football again.

Why don’t you just enjoy the ride?


Steve Chettle
Some people have a very rosy view of the future and some a very black view.

I like to have a sort of rosy view, but realise there will be twists and turns on the journey. Though in my case it's likely to be rather shorter than most, so I suppose I can look on it in a positive light.
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