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Kasper Schmeichel


Season 3 Loading

Schmeichel leaves Nice​

Former Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel has left Nice by mutual consent.


Jack Burkitt
Don't think it will have any bearing on us. Apparently we're about to sign a goalkeeper whose name I have no idea how to spell.


Season 3 Loading
What do you reckon as our 3rd keeper to the group? Think he’s better than both Horvath and Hennessy.


Steve Chettle
Merely the fact that they are looking at this position now gives me some confidence, with Nuno being a goalie himself, we'd hopefully pick a good'n this time.
Same. I'm glad the club have seemingly changed their stance on this. If we can only make one additional before the window closes, it has to be a keeper. We can't afford to risk sticking with Turnip and Count Vlachula and having them cocking up every week.


Jack Burkitt
Very much past his best but still a good goalkeeper.

Mentality wise, would be a huge upgrade though.
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