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The Forza Fred

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
I'm not a fan of organised fun and have never been mad about Forza as a thing despite having a lot of time for some of the individuals involved but I thank and applaud them for their response to The Great Season Ticket Swindle.
Thank you lads and lasses.

And I'm in the same boat as you re Forza - their manoeuvring here proves to me I was wrong with any initial concerns I may have had (privately - I've never bashed them online or anything).


Forum Princess
LTLF Minion
I’ve posted about my feelings in the Marinakis thread. Where I agree with the reasons for a protest I’m afraid I’m disappointed in the response Forza are taking ahead of the Man City game by withdrawing the pre-match displays.

I believe it will achieve little, if any, change in the club but it will certainly deny us the excitement and anticipation of pre-match support at a crucial stage of the season.

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
I’ve posted about my feelings in the Marinakis thread. Where I agree with the reasons for a protest I’m afraid I’m disappointed in the response Forza are taking ahead of the Man City game by withdrawing the pre-match displays.

I believe it will achieve little, if any, change in the club but it will certainly deny us the excitement and anticipation of pre-match support at a crucial stage of the season.
It may not achieve anything but I do believe in standing up for what you believe in, and if they believe the club are taking the piss they have every right not to bring their ball with them.


May not be the best moderator on LTLF, but he's...
LTLF Minion
From the Forza post on Twitter:


Steve Chettle

Mr. Blonde

John Robertson
I completely understand why people want to protest, and if our Premier League status were mathematically secure I'd say fill your boots

However relegation is a very real possibility and if there's even the slightest chance it could negatively affect our fortunes on the pitch I'd implore people to channel their frustrations elsewhere, preferably by getting behind the players that extra bit

They need our full support at every single stage of matchday, right now more than ever


Steve Chettle
I’ve posted about my feelings in the Marinakis thread. Where I agree with the reasons for a protest I’m afraid I’m disappointed in the response Forza are taking ahead of the Man City game by withdrawing the pre-match displays.

I believe it will achieve little, if any, change in the club but it will certainly deny us the excitement and anticipation of pre-match support at a crucial stage of the season.
As someone else has said, the Premier League isn't the be all and end all. Some things are more important and making a stand for what you believe is right is one of those thing's.

This season has been shit; refs, var, our clubs financial mismanagement, points deductions, our club slapping us in the face with these rises then spitting in our faces with the poisonous passive aggressive social media posts.


Bob McKinlay
It's been a particularly dreary season but at least we've still got ambition.


Forum Princess
LTLF Minion
As someone else has said, the Premier League isn't the be all and end all. Some things are more important and making a stand for what you believe is right is one of those thing's.

This season has been shit; refs, var, our clubs financial mismanagement, points deductions, our club slapping us in the face with these rises then spitting in our faces with the poisonous passive aggressive social media posts.
I’m not disagreeing with you. The entire season has been spoiled by many reasons.

Forza reserve the right, of course they do, to withdraw their support but the impact of the protest needs to be clear, targeted for maximum effect and well timed.

I’d much prefer to get the message across in a more positive manner, if only I could think of a way how.

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
I’m not disagreeing with you. The entire season has been spoiled by many reasons.

Forza reserve the right, of course they do, to withdraw their support but the impact of the protest needs to be clear, targeted for maximum effect and well timed.

I’d much prefer to get the message across in a more positive manner, if only I could think of a way how.
After a game seems more fitting than before during it, especially if we've been at our absolute best for the hundred or so that preceded it and driven on the lads to a result*.

(*Big ask v city but we could at least because our best an stick around for half an hour or so afterwards to make some more noise/or not. I like a silent protest!)


Youth Team
"Forest are magic, just on the pitch!"

Reusing that banner that had the kid on the dads shoulders with some amended messaging and displayed on the embankment so an aerial photo captures the city ground in the background would be a nice visual thing


May not be the best moderator on LTLF, but he's...
LTLF Minion
"Forest are magic, just on the pitch!"

Reusing that banner that had the kid on the dads shoulders with some amended messaging and displayed on the embankment so an aerial photo captures the city ground in the background would be a nice visual thing
...the amended caption being "Cheers, Forest - kid's crying now."

I would put the laughing emoji on that but I don't think I will


First Team Squad
Let’s me honest we need all the help we can get off the pitch especially against Manchester City. I have sung our anthem for many years ad will continue to do so. I also look forward to the fantastic banners that Forza produces and I know the players do especially the Morgan one at the Wolves match. I ask the brilliant people who produce these fantastic masterpieces to continue with their work and help the boys on the pitch.

Two Weeks Away

First Team Squad
Listening to Greg on FF the club have been less cooperative this season with the displays so I can see, rightly or wrongly, why they have had to make this decision. If your efforts are not being appreciated it is difficult to keep going


Bob McKinlay
Listening to Greg on FF the club have been less cooperative this season with the displays so I can see, rightly or wrongly, why they have had to make this decision. If your efforts are not being appreciated it is difficult to keep going

Just another part of the 'Thanks for the help getting us where we wanted to be and you can f*** off now' culture the club likes to operate with.


Socialismo O Muerte!
LTLF Minion
Just another part of the 'Thanks for the help getting us where we wanted to be and you can f*** off now' culture the club likes to operate with.
„We don‘t need you legacy fans anymore, we‘re now pitching towards that all important Asian demographic who watch us on TV“.


Bob McKinlay
„We don‘t need you legacy fans anymore, we‘re now pitching towards that all important Asian demographic who watch us on TV“.

It's pervasive throughout the club not just towards us fans. Fans are disposable, players are like trading cards, managers are disposable, long standing staff are disposable, sponsors and partners are disposable...

You see these people in business sometimes and when they hit a rocky patch they're asking for favours left right and centre and then genuinely surprised when people tell them to go swivel.
Treating the fans as a commodity isn't a good look.

Whatever the reasons behind the decision, if you don't like it, we have another 11k who are waiting attitude leaves a bad taste and isn't worth the bad PR for the sake of 2m or so extra in the coffers.

If they had waited till after the season end and then hicked the prices up after safety had been assured, the increase would have been more palatable.

It smacks of opportunism from the club, we are going to charge you more irrespective of what product might be on offer next year. Maybe we want to fleece you whilst we have the chance knowing full well that no one will be paying the increase prices in the championship.

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