Alf-engelos Mindminackers
The Artiste formally known as "Wanksy"
Absolutely spot on, excellent post.I think the question of Nuno's future should be just one part of a much wider, honest and self-critical review of the state of the club from top to bottom.
It should start with Marinakis himself. He needs to ask himself whether his tantrums have served his ambitions or hindered them. He's managed to create fear internally and ridicule externally, which is not a great combination. He would rightly demand very high standards of professionalism from those who work for him but he has to set those standards himself. This season, much of his behaviour has seem amateurishly self-indulgent.
It should then extend to the board. How did they allow the club to break FFP rules having pledged never to do so? How are they going to ensure that they fulfil their duties of oversight from here on in?
It should look at recruitment. Some things have been done extremely well, so we're obviously capable of running a good operation. So why do we end up bringing in plays like Reyna and Origi who no independent observers expected to be of any use to us?
It has to look at the coaching and fitness regime. How come we've been unable to coach basic drills for defending set-pieces? Why do we run out of stream so disastrously at the end of games? Are the lapses of concentration that have led to us dropping so many points from winning positions symptoms of physical fatigue? If so what kind of conditioning is necessary to cure this disease?
It's in this context that Nuno's performance should be assessed -- not just retrospectively but also in relation to his capacity to improve. Otherwise, just changing managers merely distracts from the wider lack of accountability for a very poor season on and off the pitch.
Sadly, I think a lot of it will just boil down to how deep Mendes' eyes look to Marinakis on a starry night lol.