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Matthew Charles Turner

Eddie Yates

I ♥️ Nigel Farage 🇬🇧
I don't give a toss about all this "he's a nice bloke" bollocks, I don't care if he wins a Nobel prize for obtaining World peace he's still a shit goalkeeper which is all I'm interested in

he makes a significant mistake almost every game, his wrists are weak as piss, he can't kick, he's about as strong as a junior aspirin and he generally just irritates me

hopefully we'll be able to offload him to that pathetic farmers in league in his native country during summer

Worsley Red

First Team Squad
In the matchday thread someone said the Trent End were clapping the save - they would have had a pretty good view.

I was directly behind it in UT and my take is that it burst through his hands for no particular reason. I hold him almost fully responsible for the goal. Look - he’s not even in shot.

He had an excellent game aside from that.

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John Robertson
He is a good shot stopper but the modern keeper needs to be a lot more than that. His kicking isn't great but the biggest problem I have with him is his presence.

He's not commanding and his uncertainty influences the defenders in front of him. You don't want a 'nice bloke' in goal. You want someone the rest of the team doesn't want to upset.

Larry Lansbury

Viv Anderson
It was interesting to see Felipe regularly talking to Turner, doing the calming down gestures, reassuring etc. really apparent in first half. Brilliant to have him back, thought he played well, won a lot of headers in our box and attacking from long throws. I think he’s brill-has a presence about him.


Geoff Thomas
I don't give a toss about all this "he's a nice bloke" bollocks, I don't care if he wins a Nobel prize for obtaining World peace he's still a shit goalkeeper which is all I'm interested in

he makes a significant mistake almost every game, his wrists are weak as piss, he can't kick, he's about as strong as a junior aspirin and he generally just irritates me

hopefully we'll be able to offload him to that pathetic farmers in league in his native country during summer
He is a nice guy though.

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
It was interesting to see Felipe regularly talking to Turner, doing the calming down gestures, reassuring etc. really apparent in first half. Brilliant to have him back, thought he played well, won a lot of headers in our box and attacking from long throws. I think he’s brill-has a presence about him.
Felipe's great - did he finish the game injured does anyone know?


Jack Armstrong
At least 1 mistake leading to a goal every 90 mins played is a pretty good stat.. Wonder how much he's on per week then we could work out how much he's paid for every mistake..


Steve Chettle
His shot stopping is so overrated as well, I think because he looks busy that gives the perception hes decent because of Vlach. However he is so bad, that if he was out keeper in the championship id be unhappy. Sels already looked better than him in his first game and limited training sessions. Now Sels may turn out just as bad but he shouldnt be looking comfortably better after that much training time. I think thats a slight on Turner.


Viv Anderson
He is a good shot stopper but the modern keeper needs to be a lot more than that. His kicking isn't great but the biggest problem I have with him is his presence.

He's not commanding and his uncertainty influences the defenders in front of him. You don't want a 'nice bloke' in goal. You want someone the rest of the team doesn't want to upset.
I agree with this you need a strong character in goal and a strong character up front and it spreads through the whole team.
There's no way to blag it with a weak keeper because every team you play will see it as shooting practice


Steve Chettle
I think he had a good game last night.

Assuming we go down he’ll be very good in the Championship. If we stay up he’s a number 2 though.
I just dont agree with that, I think Karl Darlow is better than him. I have seen keepers in the champ have much better rounded skillsets. I think he is a liability. His shot stopping has been average, command average, his kicking is obvioulsy very poor not just poor. I dont know an area of his game that he particulary excels? Maybe mentality? He does try and front up once he has made a mistake which is good but we need more than that.

Ian Moore Gone Little

First Team Squad
In the matchday thread someone said the Trent End were clapping the save - they would have had a pretty good view.
That was me, though I was only watching the brief “highlights” online. I can’t think what else they would be applauding at that time. Maybe LTLF hacked the ”big” screens and put a picture of a squirrel there? 🤔


First Team Squad
Long and refreshingly honest interview with Turner here. Not sure I agree he's been punished for every mistake he's made - I can think of a few he's gotten away with - but comes across as a decent chap who's trying his best. Not sure about his world cup predictions mind, and doubt he'll be here past the summer:

Good interview. He comes across as reflective and thoughtful; grounded, but ambitious.

Thanks for posting.


Geoff Thomas
They normally do me too. However, I enthusiastically joined in last night though as thought it would do Turner the world of good to hear that support for him, he earned his moment last night
Just a laugh isn’t it? People are quick to use this excuse when they’re giving players stick on here and elsewhere, surely it’s fair enough to show their support in a light hearted way.


First Team Squad
You're welcome. Its interesting how different in tone the US interviews are. Brings out the human side as opposed to our banal 'how did you feel' type affairs.
The US has such an incredibly complex and unique place, both in history and the present-day but, generally, I don't think anyone does "emotional intelligence" quite like Americans.

Gyros Peter

Sauce salad?
The US has such an incredibly complex and unique place, both in history and the present-day but, generally, I don't think anyone does "emotional intelligence" quite like Americans.
Its not something I'd naturally associate - I shall keep an eye out as it's an interesting take.
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