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Financial Fair Play (FFP)


Stuart Pearce


Geoff Thomas
I'm sure the club have just received a few dozen offers of exactly £20m for MGW and Murillo combined.

We have plenty of dead wood to sell still but if it came down to a penalty or losing one of our better players for cheap then take the penalty.

If it was 4 points for a £35m miss, missing by under £20m plus a reduction for already being charged (or whatever Everton got) might mean it'll only be 2 points, which is well worth it.

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Season 3 Loading
Murillo will be sacrificed before July, Do you really think Forest want another punishment. I am not sure Players and Staff will want another PSR charge hanging over them, It had an affect this season.
Most likely outcome.

To add balance, I’d also say if a team offered the kind of fees being talked about, I think it would be boardline crazy to turn an offer down. Player turnover is the nature of the PL, especially teams in the bottom third like us.

I’ve seen Solanke at 65m reported. Sell everyday.

The key to this isn’t the sale, but the follow up recruitment activities. That’s what brings success.


Bin VAR!
He said: ‘Some of the rules have actually resulted in cementing the status quo more than creating upward mobility and fluidity in the sport. The rules do not make sense and are not good for football.

‘Managing a sports team has become more like being a treasurer or a bean counter rather than looking at what your team needs.

Villa owner - maybe doing a city a suing the EPL.

Alf-engelos Mindminackers

The Artiste formally known as "Wanksy"
Most likely outcome.

To add balance, I’d also say if a team offered the kind of fees being talked about, I think it would be boardline crazy to turn an offer down. Player turnover is the nature of the PL, especially teams in the bottom third like us.

I’ve seen Solanke at 65m reported. Sell everyday.

The key to this isn’t the sale, but the follow up recruitment activities. That’s what brings success.
As someone who has been highly critical of our recruitment under Marinakis, this past year has me more encouraged that we're more capable of replacing anyone we sell, probably other than MGW.

The trick is going to be keeping Marinakis Junior and Mendes at bay with their 2nd rate shite. If the likes of Syrianos and his trusted compadres can be allowed to operate without the egos and leech agents getting in the way, then we should be fine.

Worsley Red

First Team Squad
And as others have said, 20m in player ‘sales’ is very different to 20m in ‘PSR profit’.

Shoddy journalism that.

Yes it was shoddy journalism. Is the consensus that he was referring to £20m in revenue. That was my take, having spoken to a few people. Even if he was, that is a really crude measure because it depends on who is being sold? I was debating this with someone on X earlier because I think it matters from a phasing perspective. Because I had nothing better to do this afternoon, I did the attached which hopefully explains why I think it’s not just about £20m coming into the tills. The phasing is relevant.

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Bob Fossil

Nottingham's dirty secret
I'm sure the club have just received a few dozen offers of exactly £20m for MGW and Murillo combined.

We have plenty of dead wood to sell still but if it came down to a penalty or losing one of our better players for cheap then take the penalty.

If it was 4 points for a £35m miss, missing by under £20m plus a reduction for already being charged (or whatever Everton got) might mean it'll only be 2 points, which is well worth it.

Sent from my M2101K6G using Tapatalk
Anybody who would take another penalty-after the season we've just been through & the potential hazards in store for next- is absolutely mental.

Fortunately our owner isn't & he won't be repeating his initial misjudgement.

Alf-engelos Mindminackers

The Artiste formally known as "Wanksy"
All the discussions about meeting PSR seem to be about player sales.

As a third term PL Club surely we should be pushing harder on sponsorship - I believe our shirt deal covers this year but there are other opportunities.

We seem to lag behind similar clubs on sponsorship income - why is this?
Because, generally speaking, we're not very well run. Hence why the points deduction occurred in the first place.


First Team Squad
I honestly don’t understand why we’re tying ourselves up in knots on this. We aren’t breaching again, there’s no way the owner lets that happen nor should we want to knowing the mess it made of last season. But equally we know he’s sick of feeling cheated when trying to be honest so there will be some sales of fixed assets, fringe players (likely involving Olympiacos and/or Rio Ave) and new sponsorships before June 30th and that will be that. Nay bother.

For the purposes of strengthening the squad in July and beyond I would still expect a big Murillo sale to come later, but that will be about developing the team, not satisfying PSR.


Season 3 Loading
FY22: -£40m (confirmed)
FY23: -£52m (confirmed)
FY24: -£17m (forecasted); the report forecasted a loss between £12m-£17m but I'll assume worst case as it's Forest.

Total loss = - £109m
PSR limit for June 24 is: -£83m
Difference = -£26m
I pretty much posted this a while back too, and what is worth considering is the great position we end up in. Assume we swing that 17m loss back by the 26m income to finish with a 9m profit.

FY23 -£52m
FY24 +£9m
Upcoming season : FY25 -£62m capacity under the rolling 3 year £105m


First Team Squad
I pretty much posted this a while back too, and what is worth considering is the great position we end up in. Assume we swing that 17m loss back by the 26m income to finish with a 9m profit.

FY23 -£52m
FY24 +£9m
Upcoming season : FY25 -£62m capacity under the rolling 3 year £105m
That 17m loss is now 10/11m if we only need 20m.


Geoff Thomas
We have plenty of money to play with from 1 July onwards.

Just get someone sold to meet the PSR deadline (Murillo). Draw a line under it and move on. Learn from it and make sure we aren't in a position to have to sell next June.

We simply cannot go into next year with point deductions hanging over us. For 1001 reasons.


Geoff Thomas
We have plenty of money to play with from 1 July onwards.

Just get someone sold to meet the PSR deadline (Murillo). Draw a line under it and move on. Learn from it and make sure we aren't in a position to have to sell next June.

We simply cannot go into next year with point deductions hanging over us. For 1001 reasons.
Or 115


Steve Chettle
All this selling your best players to stay onside is yet another example of the crazy nature of this rule.

First you're not allowed to buy expensive players like what the 'big' boys can do, then, if you have the temerity to actually do such a thing, they slap you with a points deduction and structure the rules so that it carries over to the next year, too, and you're stuffed once again.

Not a very nice way to welcome new recruits to your gang.


Geoff Thomas
All this selling your best players to stay onside is yet another example of the crazy nature of this rule.

First you're not allowed to buy expensive players like what the 'big' boys can do, then, if you have the temerity to actually do such a thing, they slap you with a points deduction and structure the rules so that it carries over to the next year, too, and you're stuffed once again.

Not a very nice way to welcome new recruits to your gang.
PSR is absolute bullshit

But unfortunately those are the rules.


Steve Chettle
Unfortunately you need 14 clubs to vote for something like that and there are at least 14 who don't have PSR worries so they vote for these daft ideas. The poor buggers who get rogered by these rules probably weren't even in the League when they were devised.
All this selling your best players to stay onside is yet another example of the crazy nature of this rule.

First you're not allowed to buy expensive players like what the 'big' boys can do, then, if you have the temerity to actually do such a thing, they slap you with a points deduction and structure the rules so that it carries over to the next year, too, and you're stuffed once again.

Not a very nice way to welcome new recruits to your gang.

If you’re from the East Midlands, you have to sell your best player by 30th June, and not a minute later

If you’re from London, you can sell a premium
location hotel to yourself
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