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The World Famous City Ground - Home of the PROPER WORLD‘S OLDEST LEAGUE CLUB

Future of the WFCG? What‘s your preference?

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Geoff Thomas
🤣🤣🤣🤣 you beat me to it just knocked this up



Stuart Pearce
I hope that everyone here knows me well enough to know that if I've written it, it's because it's either true as in this case because it came straight from a horse's mouth or that I believe it to be true because I trust the source.
Barry doesn't count, he shouts at buses.
FWIW Wes, as soon as I read it my immediate reaction was "oh FFS this means we're moving then" simply because I didn't question it's validity as it came from you.

Master Yates

John Robertson
"Toton is a serious option".

Of course it is, or somewhere else out of town. Cheap, easy and with minimum obstacles.

Get f'cked Major Tom.

And plenty of space so the work experience kid at Benoy can bang out an identikit bowl in five minutes and Tom Tit can get paid a king’s ransom

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Master Yates

John Robertson
If Tom Tit calculated this to turn the fans against the council, he’s misread the room (again). It’s like he’s never met a Forest fan, let alone claiming to be one.

He seriously expects us to believe that the Toton toilet bowl would be “amazing”? These clowns can’t even get running hot water in the stands or food fit for human consumption, so in what world would a new build bowl in the middle of f***ing nowhere be “amazing”?

Amazing for your back pocket more like and amazingly good at ripping off fans as you can try and charge us £8 a pint for some warm piss like Carling.

We’re not a London club you tit. And we don’t want a new shit bowl in Toton or any other random dump. Build the f***ing stand youve been promising for the last 5 years.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Formerly JLingz
At the risk of being labeled a heretic there's worse ideas than Toton.

Toton could work, but it would need:
1) A new transport hub built exactly where HS2 station was meant to be which included train and bus station.
2) Commitment from EMR or government (maybe enforce in agreement to allow Forest to build) that dedicated supporter trains would run.
3) A sports or entertainment "village" which would flank the stadium and the tram park and ride.
4) Road widening schemes, specifically for the A52 and B6003 (the latter of which might need to be made into a tunnel to allow pedestrianisation of the entire area to make #3 work.

And you're probably talking £300m+ to make all that work.
Being honest, the transport links and infrastructure improvements would blow that £300m out of the water mate. And this is what doesn't add up with the arguments over the lease. That £250m over 250 years would be spent on just infrastructure improvements, never mind actually building the stadium or this new training ground.

Agent Penguin

Geoff Thomas
When they were looking at Toton for HS2 it turned out that they would have to raise the A52 as the headroom would not have been enough for the new infrastructure.


First Team Squad
It would probably be quicker for me

Tram from Hucknall to town - 30 mins - no change
A couple of beers in town - 1 hour - no change
Walk from town to ground - 30 mins
Back on tram and out to Toton - 20 mins

I can't see what the problem is


Stuart Pearce
Oh yes - I just remembered what the problem is
I don't want to move from the WFCG under any circumstances
It would knock at least 30 mins off my travel each way if we were in Toton but I'd rather my journey took an extra 2 hours to the city ground whilst having my bollocks repeatedly hit with a claw hammer for the duration than move to some soulless shitpot on the doorstep of Derbyshire


Jack Burkitt
Speaking as someone who lives just a couple of miles from Toton, I'd say another thing to factor in is that the locals really, really don't want thousands of football fans descending on the area every other week so the amount of objection to this from the locals would be off the scale.


John Robertson
As funny as it would be to be able to walk to the ground, toton would be a disaster for anybody having to drive or use public transport.

If we have to move surely there’s a location somewhere closer to the WFCG.

Better yet, knock the f***er down, rebuild a world class stadium in the same place. Chuck Notts a few quid so we can ground share for a year or two, we would then get the added bonus of being able to give away fans less tickets due to it being tiny.

Sorted, give me a ring EM I’m free all week.


Stuart Pearce
We knew this was coming, how can it take so long to build a stand when it's been planed for years and bit a single thing has changed.

I don't want to move, it would be chaos getting to toton and we have such an amazing stadium and location as Is.

If we ever go down seeing 20k fans in a 50k stadium will be awful.


First Team Squad
How come we needed to build a block of flats to afford a new main stand but now we apparently have enough money to build a training ground/stadium mega complex that will apparently will be so great it will be worth leaving the city ground for
The flats are a way around P&R restrictions
Apparently you can build them, sell them to yourselves and put £80m into your account


Bob McKinlay
Any stadium that isn't on the banks of the Trent wouldn't be Nottingham Forest for me

I've found the solution:

On the banks of the Trent, near to a train station, motorway in easy access, close to local rivals...



It tizwas it is
We're called Nottingham Forest not Nottingham River. why are we bothered about being located next to a poxy river? We should move into Sherwood Forest, it's what Robin would have wanted.
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